Bioinformatics Workshop

Summer 2016


The High Performance Research Computing (HPRC), College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) and AgriLife Genomics & Bioinformatics Services conducted a half-day workshop on bioinformatics for graduate students and postdocs. The workshop was held from 12:00-5:00pm in Room 28 of building VTH on Tuesday, June 7, 2016. See the Agenda for the schedule.

The workshop included:

  1. Introduction to UNIX/Linux: Covers basic commands, process and filesystem concepts, shells, I/O redirection, and shell scripts.
  2. Introduction to Using the Ada Cluster: Covers a variety of topics relevant to computing on the Ada cluster, demonstrated through a live login session. The topics include, but are not limited to, basic system information, compiling and running programs, as well as batch processing. Use of the batch system will be demonstrated with real-time examples.
  3. Introduction to Python: Covers basic to intermediate topics in scientific programming using Python. Topics include basic language usage, basic object oriented programming, numerical analysis, and basic visualization.
  4. Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis on the Ada Cluster: Covers concepts of de-novo genome assembly, variant calling and RNA-seq analysis utilizing tools available on the Ada cluster.